Count me among the very few who do not rave about Kazu, but I went there about a month ago. Got there before it opened so there was a bit of a line, but we made it through to get in on the first sitting.
The place is small, but is so typical of an actual Japanese restaurant with the greetings and all.
Disclosure, I had just come back from a 10 day trip to Japan, where one of my friends is an absolute foodie, who only seeks out the best of the best of every kind of Japanese cuisine there is. In this case I decided to order the ramen from Kazu.
Now I had an other worldly experience at a Tokyo ramen house, so I maybe was expecting too much. The noodles tasted like they came out of a box and the pork wasn't that tender and had lots of fat. I did enjoy the broth though. And price wise it was more expensive than the one I had in Tokyo (which is one of the cities with the highest cost of living in the world!).
Anyway, I will have to go back and give it another shot by trying something else.