We had to use at least one star.....even though in our opinion they do not deserve even that!
Think about it! Except in California (ahem) everybody else in this great country has no problem keeping their lawn green, house painted and dogs on a leash. But here in Arizona we have to pay through the nose for some minion to run around with a clipboard yelling :" citizens arrest..citizens arrest ..property values...property values" [said in a high pitched voice by a meter maid wannabe .]. Ironically, in a state where everybody can carry a gun, anybody can ride a motorcycle without a helmet, anybody can tool down the street in a 4 wheel ATV or a golf cart; but we need a goofy clipboard mentality pocket drone to tell us what color flowers to plant?
The one thing they are good at? Putting neighbors at odds with one another!
They even play the GET EVEN game with residents that complain by issuing very questionable violations and giving no response to legitimate questions and it is nearly impossible to get onto the community website to find up to date information!
If you really, really need a prop manager....our opinion is : STAY AWAY from them!
Thank God, just a few weeks after this (and other) reviews were published they resigned from our community. My 'ol gramma used to say: "Never say anything 'but good' about someone after they are gone." They are Gone.....Good!
"Thank you!