He is simply amazing. So happy I found him. I was living in chronic pain due to a herniated disk in my lower back. The disk was putting pressure on my sciatic nerve to the point that i couldn't stand straight without pain shooting down my leg to my ankle. For 9 months i tried diet and exercise and lost weight, but that didn't help. I tried therapy, bed rest and that helped for literally 1 day before the pain came back. Finally I found Dr bassewitz. He was the 1st doctor that didn't instantly suggest surgery, and the only complaint anyone had about him was he's not as nice as grandma lol. I could care less if he's nice, i wasn't looking for a baby sitter. But he was nice enough to me, while being blunt and direct that i decided to go for surgery. This was 3 years ago now, and I'm still pain free. He did amazing for me. I wanted to wait a while before writing a review, incase my back went out again. But it didn't. Thank you so much Dr bassewitz.