I had been going there over a year. In March I bought Smokehouse Duckbreast Tenders for my dog. A few months later I noticed he has been coughing once or twice a day, sometimes more with a hacking sound. Yellow liquid came up and I took him to the vet. After three visits they couldn't find out what was causing it. I noticed on the bag yesterday that the product is from China. WHAT THE HELL IS A NATURAL FOOD PET STORE DOING SELLING JERKY TREATS FROM CHINA? My dog has developed pancreatitis. After going on line and seeing that these treats can cause that among other things I went in to the store and wanted to know why they were selling this product when this had been pulled off of the shelves of pet smart as far back as 2007. The clerk defended the product, said it was tested in the USA and to that I said that is a bunch of crap because it means nothing. Go look on line see the reviews and the warnings on this product. I will not be going there again. They have lost my business. I hope I have not lost my dog