Not once, not twice, not even three times but this is my fourth visit to this dispensary and I've got to tell you the only thing consistent is the horrible customer service that you receive when you get here. Your staff is extraordinarily laxidasical in the roles as not only budtenders but also as employees in general. When a customer has to yell out to one of your employees that there's other people that need service is a pretty sad State of Affairs for the individuals you hire. Just a little bit of a thought they should spend a lot less time consuming the products you sell and more time paying attention for the people that are coming in with the money to purchase the products you sell. Now I fully understand since recreational marijuana has come into the mix that the dispensaries of this Valley feel that they no longer have to entice or be nice to the medical patients because they know someone else is going to come in and pay your exorbitant recreational prices. This will be the last time you people get my business and never ever will I recommend your dispensary to anybody even if you were giving away your entire stock for free.