Dr. Ostolski is an exceptional doctor. I've been to 4-5 psychiatrists and I think I found the one. Caring, exceptional at her job, and competent, which is hard to find. The lobby is very nice and there is practically no wait. If you have an 11:30 Dr.Ostolski opens the door and calls you in at 11:30 on the dot. Unfortunately, this practice suffers from what a lot of practices suffer; unorganized and unreliable receptionists. I had a concerning reaction to a drug a week after it was prescribed, so I tried to reach the office, as did my mother. My therapist did as well to coordinate care via an ROI. All of us "left a message", but it's obvious they did not and have not. I told Dr. Ostolski about this and she had received no messages, she asked who helped me, and I could tell she was very upset about this but no receptionists had name tags and did not introduce themselves on the phone. Please hire responsible receptionists, someone could get hurt if they aren't aware of the severity of their reactions and are unable to contact their doctor.