I came to Chandler Chiro back in November (or around about that time) very hesitantly.
To be honest, my boyfriend all but forced me.
I've never liked to be popped & never understood why anyone did. The sound & the thought freaked me out.
After about 5-6 years of nonstop complaining of lower back issues my boyfriend finally made me the appointment. I have been so thankful ever since!!
Dr. Schloemp was so kind & gentle & his staff was just as sweet.
I HATE my neck being popped & Dr. Schoemp uses a tool instead (doesn't freak me out as much). I have never had to remind him or say anything. He remembers every time, & something that small is big to me.
The staff knows me by name & act like they've known me for years.
My issues with my lower back are getting better & I am learning new ways to sit & sleep to continue to help my lower back.
Not only that, but he has his patients do physical therapy before each adjustment, which I think has really played a different.
I am so thankful I was forced into this because they're helping me so much.
Thanks to the Dr & his sweet staff! You guys keep being you & doing what you do!