| - Hey! I LOVE this place. The two regular daytime barkeeps, Tracie and Pamela, are spectacular.
Most of the stuff I get here is just extraordinary - especially the soups! THE FREAKING SOUPS JUST ROCK!!!! Dudes. I cook, and I can't get near their soups. Their simple Caesar lunch/side salad rocks, too, but needs a bit of extra dressing to be right.
Sad to say, today I had the "Mulberry Street" sompin' or other sandwich. While it was mighty good, it was so salty as to be inedible. Did they add salt? I doubt it (they MIGHT have, with the vinaigrette that was spoda be on the side, but was not.) It was likely just the combination of the Italian cold cuts they put on it that made it nearly inedible; it was DELICIOUS, but so salty as to be inedible. How unfortunate? I could not get thru half of the sandwich, and am not sure I will ever eat the half I took home.
The good news is that the "cream of", or whatever, sausage soup today was just OVER THE FREAKIN' MOOOOOOON, ALICE!!!!