OK, I now switched to a new PCP that is affiliated with Cigna. I have to say it was short lived BUT everything else is really G R E A T. The pharmacy is profession, prompt and answers question without any BS. Really impressive. The lab tech Chris (I HATE blood draws) and I have had my veins rolled so many times I was ready to get a lethal weapon (bat) to hit someone over the head with in self defense that rolled my vein again. Chris was great, he looks like a line backer but I must confess I felt no pain. Let's hope it stays this way as I still have my hidden bat for self defense. O and by the way, if anyone rolls your vein and tells you it's your fault because you have old veins hit them with what ever you can grab, it is not your fault if a person drawing blood or giving an injection does not know what they are doing if they do KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING you will feel NO PAIN (Thank you Erma and Theresa for all the good years but I think I am in good hands). As for the personnel both on the phone and in person are above and beyond helpful and nice (once you get beyond the 800 # the waits are unbelievable). Now let's hold our breath and hope my new PCP has some good bedside manners. I must say I am changing my tune as to my original opinion.