It is very "Arizona-y" to have a bar with a huge outdoor area and swimming pool. We didn't have these kind of places in the state of Washington. They also have realtively good deals on buckets of beer if you want to save a few bucks. The crowd here looks like something out of an MTV Spring Break special and it kind of feels like that too. Personally I'm not a fan of the crappy techno they play, but I understand that it's popular with the crowd they are trying to attract so that makes sense. The parking isn't the greatest when it's crowded and it also could be hard to find a spot to sit down by the pool when it's busy. I reccomend getting early on Saturday during the day if you want a good spot. Remember to bring sunglasses, sunscreen, flip flops, and of course a swimming suit. Also be prepared to filll out a short waiver if it's your first time there- it basically says you are award there is no lifeguard so your familiy can't sue if you're dumb enough to drown in 3 feet of water.