When we first arrived the young lady at the front desk seemed to be in a poor mood. She had an I don't care attitude and was really snobby. Only reason we stayed here seeing we live only 20 minutes away is because we wanted to take our daughter swimming. On our way to go grab dinner we asked the front desk girl where we get pool towels from and again with all attitude she said right here. I said thanks we'll be back and she got back on her phone. Pool was extremely cold, and we all only lasted 15 minutes. Spent over $100 for 15 minutes. Came back to our rooms to shower and our towels seemed to have black residue on them that appeared to look like old mascara. I called and asked for new towels and got an attitude again. I just hung up and wrapped up in my robe so I didn't have to deal with smacking her. 1am comes strolling around and I couldn't get my daughter to sleep because of whatever function was going on, there was a lot of screaming which sounded like arguing for a good 2 hours outside in front of the vesituble area when you first walk in. A huge group was out the're smoking and either arguing or just really drunk and loud. This was the most horrible experience ever at a hotel and we WILL NOT ever be back