Being a former postal carrier and clerk, I wanted so much to give this post office high marks. Unfortunately, I've had too many bad experiences here. I've received keys in my PO Box to retrieve shipped packages only to open an empty locker. They refuse to forward previous residents mail even though my name is written in huge letters inside my mailbox. Then, the final fiasco was receiving a notice for a certified letter without anyone ringing my doorbell FORCING me to go to the post or else sign a waiver on the slip allowing it to be left in my mailbox (if it made it there). I went in on a Monday (not during the holidays) and the line waiting for 1 employee working the dutch pickup door was almost the full length of the post office. I opted to return 1st thing at 8:30 am Tuesday. To my surprise, the parking lot was packed at 8:30 and the line was already a dozen people deep. It took exactly one hour to reach the woman working the door who was unable to find my letter. She explained there were a lot of new people working there and it was probably mis-filed along with a stack of other letters she found mis-filed while looking for mine. She took my number and said they would call me when found. She also discouraged me from signing the slip for re-delivery. I asked if I would have to wait in line another hour and she dismissed me saying she was sure it wouldn't be that long. I think the post office has no concept of time...even 20, 30, or 45 minutes is a long time to just stand there not knowing if you are in the right line or if your item will even be there. Never heard anything all week from them, so I prepared to go back on Friday. Lo and behold, the carrier rang my bell with the letter in hand. What if I had been standing around the post office at the same time? To make things worse, there was no information in the tracking system online telling me where or who the letter was from. Not even an originating zip code was written on the notice. If that letter hadn't arrived, I would never have known who it was even from or what it even was. What happened to the integrity of the postal service?