Dunkin is as Dunkin does. Same quality as another one would visit. There was an interesting group of people some going west and some going east. Normally this would be an automatic four star experience (given some variables), but on this visit I am deducting...
My partner who was behind me after placing his order did not get his order in a timely fashion. As a matter of fact, his order was snatched up by the ghost in the machine and was never heard from again until he said something. While sipping on my iced coffee and eating my bagel, mu heart was filled with sadness as he had none.
To say the establishment was overwhelmed would be an understatement. There was nothing going on. His order simply disappeared after paying for it.
Looking at his sad face while having discussion's about how to evaluate the experience, I was sad for him. I would only visit if he wanted to while being forced to heat west.