| - I received a $100 gift certificate for a hat at Heritage Hats. When I got there, the owner mostly ignored me while he talked to an apparent friend. Because the few small sizes he has are on the bottom of the piles, I had to juggle removing piles of hats to get to the bottom sizes, without any assistance. I picked out a hat but noticed when I got home that the weaving was imperfect. I called the owner, explained the situation, and asked if I could come see if he had one of the same kind I'd chosen but without the imperfection. He said yes. Then, about 10 minutes later, he called me back and said that, because I had messed up his stacks of hats, I had to keep the imperfect one. When I tried to point out that three other men had been in the room the same time I was and could have also moved the hats, he hung up on me. I will tell the person who gave me the gift certificate, and anyone else who asks me about my hat, not to shop there. A propritor who has so little regard for customer satisfaction doesn't deserve to have customers.