| - i wish i had got his name, but they have an employee in there, white guy, shaved head, he was trying to be kinda smart with me and act like he was above me, kinda like he was competing, now i wore my tank top in there, i am 26 but i look like im 20 and im not trying to act tough, i never do. Anyway i tried to be nice at first, and when explaining my problems (there are about 5 different problems i am having with my brand new stratosphere 2) he would tell me "well there's nothing we can do about that", and im like "well what about all these other problems" he would reply "what other problems" 2 TIMES after ive explained all my problems he says"what other problems" i said f*** it dude you are an idiot im going to talk to someone else... so i talk to someone else here are the problems im having with the stratosphere 2 in my first two days (mind you i haven't really used my phone these two days because these problems are constant and f***ing annoying):
1. i cant send or receive calls/texts (this happens on and off)
2. if my text is somewhat long people either dont get it or they get a couple words out of the few sentences, just a couple f***ing words sometimes half of a word
3. the calls that do go through, well 75% of the time no one can hear me, i can hear them, they cannot hear me
4.the phone reads my sd card but it wont play my music (the sd card works fine in my stratosphere 1)
5. i cant use my apps, they randomly just exit and im back to the front screen, if i try again it happens again
OF COURSE when i go in to show them the phone starts acting normal, so i cant get a replacement on this f***ing phone that i cant even use, have to keep re trying my calls, miss texts, people dont get my texts or they get a couple words from it AND i cant use my apps, so pretty much nothing on this f***ing phone works, but i cant get a new one.....