We took a trip to the Hoover Dam today, and on our way back to Vegas, the alternator went out. We pulled off in Boulder City and made it to Autozone. Randy at Autozone, gave us the bad news and recommended Honestlee's place. It was almost 6:00 pm and Lee's Place was closing and he was on his way to a class. We are from Utah and were getting ready to head home and had no other transportation and nothing to do to entertain 2 young kids for the rest of the evening. Lee and his mechanic quickly tore into the engine and replaced the alternator in record time. He also made sure the engine coolant was filled up and everything was good to go. I highly recommend Honestlee's place. He is such a good guy! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!
Shantel, LeeAnn, BreAnn, Ari and Maria