On occasion, only a big, fat, messy greasefest will do. An evil greasefest of deliciousness. I like a greasy burger. Five Guys pretty much redefined the experience for me. Ordered what I thought would be a good cheeseburger, and got this 2-patty behemoth with 2 slices of american cheese so greasy the top of the bun was shiny. Add grilled onions and fries cooked in peanut oil, and my heart started waving a tiny white flag even whily my taste buds were doing their happy dance. As I was fighting to keep my eyes open on the way home I think I heard my son say he just grew a new chin.
At about $10 a person, I only wish it weren't so expensive. It is just a burger joint, after all. But they gotta pay for the new building with Scottsdale Rd. frontage rent and seven (seven! like clowns in a car back there!) staff behind the counter somehow. And it really is a killer burger.
Time for nap.