I mean I've been to plenty of McDonald's before. I'm sure many of those who are reading this could say the same. However, it brings me disgust to even think it was okay to come this location a third time after getting food poisoning the first two times. Like I said , I've been to other McDonald's and for some reason it's only this location that gives me the food poisoning. What strikes my attention is the service I get when I do the best I can to give off a polite vibe when ordering but after it took quite some time for my order to come through the drive thru, it seems that the lady didn't have a nice day. Considering me being bluntly clear with my words and how I pronounce them, asking "hi sorry can I get extra jelly?" ... I Couldn't seem to grasp how rude you can possibly say the word "what?".... until now.
Point being, coming to this McDonald's late at midnight could be my fault for ever thinking it was a good idea to try this location again. But third time of food poising is not the charm.