| - My pup broke his toe and had to have a splint on him. We took him in to arrow, they said he needed an x-Ray, performed a joint test, and he needed to be sedated for it. We didn't care how much it cost, we just wanted to make sure he got better. Little did we know, a splint needed to be changed every 2-3 days. We didn't receive proper care instructions for the splint. Of course, we knew we needed to keep it clean. About 2 weeks after, I noticed him limping. He wasn't excited to see us, didn't greet us at the door. Something was wrong. So one day, I told my bf to take off the splint and we'd go to the vet the next day to have him rebandaged. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. When we took it off, there was a lot of blood and an open wound. Turns out, an infection grew straight to the bone. You could see his bone. There were 3 infected wounds on his leg. We took him in to the EAC. When we told them we didn't change the splint in 2 weeks, they were shocked. I felt embarrassed and disappointed. We didn't know we were supposed to change the bandage every few days. We thought we had to just keep it clean and on for 3 weeks until he healed. Had we received the proper care instructions from the vet, all of this could have been prevented. We spent $1000 at the eac. My bf called Arrow the day after, the doctor we spoke to tried placing the blame on us. She told us she was going to speak to her colleagues about this and see what they could do. Dr. Rogers called us back to let us know they were willing to cover the rest of Hobbes' expenses until he healed. I felt really grateful for that. After getting Hobbes' bandage changed with Arrow, I noticed the bandage slipping. This happened a couple of times. The dr told us that it could happen sometimes depending on how active the dog is. When he had his bandage wrapped at the EAC, it didn't slip at all. Come surgery day, the techs told me to take him in at 7. They told me that they'd start surgery around 10. I took half day that day to make sure he didn't stay in there for too long. By 2:30 I still haven't received a call. When we called them, they said they haven't started on surgery yet for him. Which means he was in the crate since 7:30 that morning. What's frustrating is that this whole incident could have been prevented. We didn't need to go through this. The reason I'm writing this now is bc I saw a story about a lab that passed away due to the of the actions of this clinic. Negligence has happened more than once here. Please be careful when taking your pet here and take extra precautions.