Where to start? This company completely misleads you into thinking that you will get your furniture on a certain date. LIE. They are brokers and pick up your stuff and take it to a warehouse in Las Vegas where it will sit until they have enough to fill a truck. Only then will you get your things. Twice I was told that the truck was on it's way. Twice I flew to Seattle to receive the truck only to find out that it never left Las Vegas! they LIED. And it cost me a fortune in extra air fares. I was told that my furniture would be delivered between August 21st-23,rd and it finally showed up in Seattle with 25 minutes notice and NO CALL from the company on September 15th. I was in Fresno and my new neighbor, who is a saint, had to deal with taking delivery. The drivers on both ends were very nice, but the brokers and middle folks are terrible! I only wish I had read these revues prior to confirming with them. Oh, and I am missing the metal base from a chest and the chest is completely broken, but surprise - no return call from the company!