This place has destroyed any and all desire I have to rent a movie from a real-live store. I can order movies on my TV, but we'd go to Rogers to get Blu-rays... honestly though, it's just not worth it. The store is pretty much empty and has been for months like they're just not replacing what they're selling... I'm not sure if they're closing or just slowly getting rid of movie rentals all together.
Worst of all, despite having a "dedicated" line for tv/cell phones/internet sales, a cashier in the movie rental line will spend forever showing some idiot how their new cell phone works as if there is no lineup behind them while two other employees pretend to look super busy jostling around returned DVDs in the background... all while you wait in line for 15 minutes just to rent a friggin' movie.
My new phone day (I was eligible for an upgrade) was seriously marred by being in the Rogers Store for over an hour. They have gotten rid of all the movies and put in chairs. They are now putting in an espresso bar.
Rogers - people do NOT want to hang out in Rogers all day. You are not the Apple store. As soon as you walk in there is a guy with a list and you get your name on "the list".
If you go to this Rogers to pay a bill, you still get your name on the list and it is a 15-45 minute wait to pay a bill. Everytime I am there, there is a senior citizen yelling at them about waiting half an hour to pay their bill.