Forgot to mention that on another occasion, there was literally a puddle of urine on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. I went up to the reception desk and explained what I had seen downstairs. The receptionist said "the floor cleaning crew is here now but they start at the other end of the building"... ok... you can't ask them to make an exception since there is A PUDDLE OF PEE at the bottom of the stairs???... I went downstairs, stepped over the puddle, ran 6 miles on the treadmill, did my cool-down, washed my face and then (about 90min after I had first reported the puddle) was amazed to see the puddle was still there. Yes, the staff let a puddle of pee sit on the ground for 90min without doing anything about it.
I could write other negative comments about the lack of parking enforcement (everyone parks there and visits the NoDa bars, leaving little room for people who are actually trying to exercise)... or the fact they were without air conditioning for 2+ months last spring/summer... but could any negative comment really eclipse the fact that the staff ignored a puddle of urine? I don't think so. I bought a treadmill last year and now I happily exercise in my puddle-free home.