All of the reviews you have read about the staff are true. There are obviously really nice things written about the dr., and after reading all of the negative reviews I was hesitant to pursue this Dr. A friend of mine, however, highly recommended her so I gave it a shot anyway. The staff isn't very nice and definitely not caring. The lady I spoke to was quick to speak and very short. She found every possible way to not have to assist me, which at the end I was told I couldn't be assisted because there were no appointments available for my expected due date which is around the 1st of June 2017. This was determined within 2 minutes of a telephone conversation and we are in December 2016. Um ok, it's all good if these goddesses don't have time for me and my family. I would not want to have to deal with something like that my entire pregnancy anyway as hormones are already an issue. There are a lot of great Dr's out there this one is human just like you and me and so is her staff which is giving her a terrible reputation. Good grief. At least I dodged the bullet! Thank you rude lady who answered Dr Lewis' phone, I actually appreciate you being so rude and for saving me from having to deal with your rudeness and un-caringness during this very special time of my life. Good luck to all of the mommies to be out there!