| - Yea...never going back here again.
SEVERAL bad, odd, and uncomfortable things happened during one mani/pedi session....UNBELIEVABLE!
**FIRST -- so yelp has that monocle feature that I had just learned about and I was innocently scanning the buildings in awe as my husband pulled up in front of the nail salon to drop me off. A woman, who I believe is Jenny (woman with long dark hair), hurries over to me as I got out of the car and nosily starts hovering over my shoulder and my phone asking "what you doing with that camera?! why you point over here?!" In an attempt to try to keep myself from pushing her away from me and telling her that what I do with my phone is non of her business, I calmly showed her the app saying that it was something I just discovered and was trying it out... he looks at me for a moment then laughs saying " Ohhh, haha, what they say about us?" and I told her nothing came up for them and that I would just have to trust them.
** SECOND -- as I was getting my pedi, a woman was getting her nails done directly in front of me, Jenny kept insisting that the woman try a color that she didn't want while also prying into her personal life. The woman looked at me and gave me an uncomfortable smile.
** THIRD -- It was time for my mani and same gentleman that did my pedi began doing my mani. So I paint my own nails at home between my manis and I don't always put down a bottom coat before dark colors like red, which if you know anything about nail polish, it can leave the top layer of your nail a yellow color. So this guy was he was removing my nail polish saw the tint on my nails and several times really loudly was like "YOUR NAILS ARE YELLOW. YOU CANT PAINT NAILS AND NOT PUT BOTTOM COAT. ITS YELLOW. LOOK, YEA, YOU CANT DO THAT, YOUR NAIL TURN YELLOW" the few people that were in there turned and looked at me. I was pretty embarrassed as it's not like my have fungus nail or something, but he was so insistent on repeating my mistake, I might as well of had an infections disease spewing from my hands...
*** FOURTH -- a man comes in with his maybe 8 year old daughter to get her nails done. He made it very clear that she told him she wanted pink nails with white tips to match whatever dance competition outfit she was going to be wearing.
The man then went to sit down in the pedi massage chair to wait for his daughter to get her nails down. REMINDER this is an 8 year old girl with super small nails. she was only going to get some color and that's about it. they were charging him something like 30+ bucks for that, if I were him I would sit wherever I wanted too. Jenny goes over to him and tells him with a laugh "you want to get pedicure?" he said no. She replies by saying with not as much humor, "ha..massage chair for pedicures" he looks at her and continues to eat his slim jim. she waits about 1 minutes then says again but more serious "Massage chairs are for pedicures"...when he didn't budge or get up she turns to his daughter and says "sweetie what color you want for your nails" (remember they already established that it was pink nails with white tips) the dad says "pink with white" Jenny continues to say "huh sweetie? what color you want?" and again dad says "we already said pink with white tips!" the little girl stayed quiet looking uncomfortable as her dad is being repeatedly ignored by her.
*** FIFTH -- There were a few other occurances of them prying and pushing things on people. I was one. I asked to try 2 colors on two nails to determine which I wanted (it was between a teal or a plum) he gets up and brings me literally a sparkly puke green and says, "this one so nice, you should do this one"... I obviously told him absolutely not! I wouldn't mind green or anything but this color was out of this world gross. Another girl who was a tomboy said she didn't want any color or gloss on her pedi. they asked her about a dozen times if they could put a flower on her toe. she looked so irritated. I was then asked several questions about what I did, where I lived, where did I come from, etc. I don't mind getting asked a few questions about myself, but I might as well have given her my SS number and CC info too.
*** SIXTH -- lastly after I was all done getting painted, was complemented several times but without a breath in-between I was told to come back for next time. It made it sound so insincere "Oh that color looks so good on your skin, you come back next time" "oh you from Chicago? you come back next time here" and several others like that.
*** SEVENTH -- my nail polished chipped in less than 3 days.... I was not pleased. Also they didn't clean up my cuticles very well. I had to go home and fixed them as I didn't want to be in there any longer than I had to.
Well there you have it. I could have gone into more detail but I would have to write a short story... too much drama, too much of a lot of things.
Stay away if you can. its not worth it.