It was bad enough as being the worst Golds gym I'd ever seen. Machines broken for months, they use to not even put signs up that the machines were broken because it made them look bad. They finally started putting the signs up but still dont fix them, pads are worn out. The locker room is disqusting the CDC should be called. That may not be managements fault as much as the way some of the members act like PIGS. There best attribute is their front desk staff, especially Sally.
. They were taken over by EOS. Ok give them time to make improvements, but I had to cancel for other reasons. I was told I had to cancel online and I was handed a paper with the url to go to. It also says there is a processing fee to cancel. My contract was with golds that has no processing fee, so I dont see how they can charge this, I went to the website that was pretty straightforward to cancel. However, At the end it states by pressing submit you agree to pay the processing fee to cancel. There was a space to put comments where i listed I DO NOT agree to the processing fee as a processing fee to cancel is NOT in my contract, Supposadly it gets reviewed as you have to wait 3 days for them to process.
I will see but if they charge my credit card for this fee I will dispute. There is no phone number to call someone at their headquarters listed so we'll say.
It is a very shady business practice to add processing fees to cancel, that were not part of the contract. It tells me this is a company I will avoid