She seems nice and funny but she was very wrong about a lot of things and it didn't seem like she was really doing a reading psychically or asking any of the right questions.
She said this guy only wanted sex from me but when I think back on it we were friends for a year, had no sex, and he helped me the entire time we were friends he was there for me. Why would a guy who only wants sex be my friend like that and tell me he how he cares, call me a bunch and continually chase me until he had to leave America saying it's cause he's going back to europe but actually he is US citizen and is his father is from Boston and his mum is from England. My mother is from Vietnam and is half french and half vietnamese and my father is Brazilian. She talked to me as if I am just american when actually I'm mixed and my parents are not american. it kinda seemed a little demeaning to say he only wanted sex from me and it makes no sense.
Also it was 60$ for 15 minutes. no bueno because she didn't even say anything correctly. I felt flustered cause of the day I was having and some huge personal things going on in my life and she didn't say anything about them. She also said I won't meet anyone til my early thirties and I'm 25. I don't trust anything she says mainly cause she was wrong about 3 most important things about my family and failed to connect and seemed just concerned about money.