My best friend has been in this facility for about 2 weeks for rehab for a neuro issue that requires physical therapy and occupational therapy daily. Seems to cater to Medicare patients. Here are my observations from visiting her frequently and asking her what she thinks of this place.
Pros: New clean facility, nicely decorated, staff is responsive to call lights. The PT facilities and cafe are very nice. Only one patient per room. Flat panel TV, fridge and microwave in each room.
Cons. Like most skilled care and rehab facilities in AZ, I never saw an RN. Most care is from nursing assistants (graduates of 1 month training programs). They have LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurses with one year of training) in charge and giving the meds instead of registered nurses. When my friend declined to take one of the routine meds, I saw the LPN reach into the dispensing cup with her bare hand to remove the med that my friend did not want to take. That means she touched all of the meds in the cup with her bare hand. That is a big infection control no-no.
Overall, an OK place if you need daily physical therapy and occupational therapy and are not in good enough health to make the commute each day. My friend is really looking forward to getting back to her own home.