DONT COME HERE UNLESS YOU LOOK UP THE PRESENT MENU ONLINE! Most of the things I wanted to eat: steak tartar, lobster Mac and cheese, RAN OUT of the fish for the sliders and NO sandwiches after 5pm. I was so disappointed in the whole experience I wanted to leave but I had already ordered a drink. I would absolutely NEVER return to this establishment. There is something to be said about a place that is in a 5 Star hotel on the Las Vegas Strip my expectations are that it will reflect the location it sits in but it was tragic. And the waitress seemed like she could not be bothered. It was just a laundry list of all the things they didn't have, couldn't do, this is what I like and what will you have. Then she was gone. So I ordered a salad and I'll be leaving as quickly as possible. Never ever again. Hopefully I can make a reservation somewhere else in the building. Tragic.