I am so glad that a Yelp search led me to Dr. Swenson and his staff. As I walked in, I received a friendly smile from two lovely ladies. It seems that doctor and staff really care about their patients. I observed them expressing genuine well-wishing to departing patients.
The visit proceeded on time, and Dr. Swenson gave me a much more thorough exam than did a podiatrist I saw last week. (I did not have good feelings about the way I was treated at the other place, so chose to come in to Swenson Foot and Ankle even if it cost me additional money in getting a boot that would be better sized. Yes, that's how much I did not want to return to the other place.)
Dr. Swenson takes the time needed with the patient, and I received invaluable advice from him, as well as from his staff. Thank you so much for outstanding service
UPDATE: The boot Dr. Swenson issues is so much better in construction. There is more padding, and 2 extra pieces of padding were provided, one of which I find really helpful. The loops for the velcro are metal, not breakable plastic. It even looks much nicer, if such a contraption can look nice. LOL.