| - By Vegas standards this was probably really a 2.5 star, but thats not an option, so I'll be nice and give it 3.
I went on the Saturday of Labor day weekend, so I'm not sure if things are different on a regular weekend.
Got there at 10pm. No line, just a giant mob. Had to grease the door guy with extra $ just to get my cousin and myself in relatively quickly. (we are both guys)
We finally got in around 10:45pm. The club is medium sized, decent decor, and average sized dance floor.
Crowd was OK, not as fun as other clubs Ive been to, but still fairly lively.
Drinks were well made and delivered quickly.
The biggest disappointment was the DJ they had that night. He would play literally about 30 seconds of a good song, and right about the time you are getting in the groove, he would change it to a different one, and very abruptly as well. It was like he had ADD or something. Ive seen quite a few DJs, and none as horrible as this guy.
All in all, I would say Body English is very average at best, would have been a solid 3 star or better with a good DJ. I'm not sure what all the hype is about, definitely not a must see, but not a bad spot to check out if you haven't been there, and are looking for something new.