I've gone here a couple of times since it's on my way home from work, and every single time the service has been terrible.
The last time I went in looking for a specific mini tripod. I walked up and down the camera section, searching, and when I made eye contact with the associate there (intending to ask for help), he left. He had been there the whole time, watching me look around.
During another visit I was looking for a case for my phone and searched the whole (very small) phone accessories section before asking for help. The man that helped me basically took me back through the phone section, looking exactly where I had looked. I appreciated the effort, but it wasn't exactly helpful.
Every time I go to this store, the checkout is unmanned. Last time I waited 10 minutes before someone came to scan my items, and when he did he was rude and condescending.
I've had some good experiences at Future Shop, but this location in particular has always been disappointing.