This place has a perpetual Groupon that the owner was willing to extend for us beyond the expiration date. She even warned us that it's not going to be fun for little ones on Fri and Sat nights because that's when it's a teenage crowd. She seemed concerned about their safety as well. She told us to come between 1-3pm on a Sat. I really appreciated her honesty. If this review wasn't from taking my kids point of view, I'm sure it'd be at least 4 stars.
It was still quite crowded, but my daughter, her friend, and I were able to skate quite freely without bumping into people. The Groupon came with 4 free fountain drinks. They had plenty of walkers for the little ones and the quality of the skates were better than what I normally see for rentals (esp. giving me hockey skates and not figure skates).
The rink at the Santa Fe Station was way less crowded and better suited for little ones. But I'm sure if I was a teenager without a drivers license, I'd hang out here, too.