I debated a little whether I should post a review, but I figured a moderate negative review may effect positive changes.
I am a huge fan of spin - I've gone to spin class pretty much across the GTA and I was really intrigued by a Groupon here because it was close to my house. The instructors are great - super energetic and Chuck's story is incredibly motivating. I thought this was it! This is going to be my spin place from now on (because SpinCo was too far and SoulCycle at the time hadn't been opened on King W yet). I purchased the 10 classes for myself, and after a great first class, I purchased the same package for my boyfriend.
And that's when it all started going downhill... Breanan, who is the manager there was super friendly the first class. He did the whole "sign up with us for 3 months free" speal, but I was at the time still sitting on a 35 class package somewhere else so I told him I'd have to wait. That's when he started making things incredibly difficult for me - I couldn't book classes until 3 days until the time of the actual class because I was subclassed as a "Groupon" member. I pretty much had to just call in the day before to see if they can squeeze me into whatever class they had available, even though most of the time there were at least 2 bikes free. When I mentioned that my boyfriend was only able to attend 2 out of the 10 classes because of their inconsiderate booking methods, Breanan told me "well you can just not come." Classy.
So I took his advice. I wrote off the Groupons as an unfortunate loss and I haven't been back. Which is a damn shame because Chuck is a pretty awesome spin instructor. Chuck, if you see this and you're teaching anywhere else let me know!