I always come to this theatre and have no problems, everyone is always really nice and customer friendly, but today when I walked up to an open register (open as in no sign saying "closed see next cashier" open as in theres a person right in front of the register with no line just standing there looking out. I walk up and she said to me " Im not open" and walks aways. Instead of saying "hi sorry but she/he can help you out today" because there was about three other girls next to her plus the guy to the left of her in the other cashier, it became awkward and the guy offered to help me. Plain bad, rude customer service. I asked the guy who was taking my order who the manager on duty was and apparently he didnt know because he just got to work. But if anyone in management reads this decides to educate your team on costumer service make sure you tell them it all starts with tone and body language. No one wants to have to deal with someone who acts like they have a stick up their ass. Its not my fault she hates her job.