| - I had called the day before for a hair appointment, so I was glad that they could take me the next day. Kai was my hair stylist, and it certainly was not the worst hair cut, but by far not the best either. I was ready to make a big change, chopping off at least 8 inches of my hair--I was pretty nervous about it, and told him so. I showed him a picture of my desired hair cut, and told him my concern that my hair was too thick and wavy, and wouldn't turn out like the picture, but he assured me that as long as I had the right stylist, I could have any hair cut I wanted. He sounded pretty confident, so I put all my trust in him. It's just hair, it'll grow back.
The hair cut itself looked all right, and when he went to style it, I told him that I wanted it styled wavy like the photo. He spent a long time trying to get my wavy hair to wave, and somehow ended up with straight hair in the end. I was pretty surprised when he told me he was finished, and I mentioned how it wasn't wavy, but it looked nice, and his reply was that with my thick hair, making it wavy wouldn't make the hair style look nice. Isn't that what I had asked him from the beginning? And why did he spend all that time trying to get it to wave, and then decide when he was finished that waves wouldn't look good?
Kai is a nice enough guy, he seems to know what he's doing for the most part, he knows how to cut Asian hair, but he doesn't really listen to you. And he couldn't get my naturally wavy hair to wave, so that baffled me as well. I wouldn't go back to him. It's just hair, it'll grow back, but I'm annoyed to pay for something I wasn't happy with in the end. My hair doesn't look bad...but maybe one day I'll find someone to cut my hair like in the photo.