Everywhere I turned, it seemed as if everyone was drinking something out of a Fat Tuesday merchandise. I just had to get one for myself and see what the hype was all about! This particular Fat Tuesday was located in the Grand Canal Shoppes in the Venetian and next to TAO. It is a small stand but you can't miss it due to all the colorful swirls from the margarita machines behind the counter. There were 10 different flavors to choose from, I didn't know where to start. Luckily the girl behind the counter was nice enough to let us try some samples. I ended up choosing to get the mango margarita, which was infused with 151 rum, in the 40 oz. long tube! For $18, that's not bad (especially considering NYC prices). It wasn't that strong but you could taste the alcohol in it so it's definitely in there. It was very refreshing for walking along the hot Las Vegas strip. Definitely recommend getting the yard long tubes.You get a good bang for your buck and could take home a cool souvenir to mix your own concoctions in! You could also get refills later for cheaper and add extra shots for $2/$3!