My general rule of thumb before heading out for ramen is to put on an old t-shirt. I'm a mess when I eat and usually end up with a couple spots of broth from the soup on some part of my shirt. My visit to Ramen Tatsu was no different. No matter how careful I am, I end up wearing some of my lunch. It was worth it, though, to try their tonkotsu ramen ($7.77). While it wasn't as creamy as I'd like -- the broth was thinner and more diluted -- the pork flavor was hearty. I'm not a fan of the really thin noodles, which were too al dente, but the tender pork with its rendered fat made up for it. The slivers of fat provided an excellent burst of flavor with each bite. Located in the same plaza as District One and Chada Thai, it can be tough to find parking during peak hours.