Trying to grab a bite in between flights. It is just after dinner time (about 7pm). There are five people in front of me, including a pilot and a flight attendant.
Slowest service. Slower than a turtle walking through molasses. One guy taking orders and doing the register. He had no cares in the world. Was not impolite, but not polite either. So frustrating to see since we obviously was in an airport. The pilot ahead of me - obviously his plane wasn't going to leave without him - but mine could have. One woman in the back making the items. As far as I could tell she does not know how to multi task and does one item at a time, waits for it to heat up, then continues.
I do have to say that my chicken salad sandwich on a croissant wasn't half bad (once I got it and sat down to eat it). It came with a side of potato salad and a pickle spear.
By time I left, there were seven people in line behind me.