| - Just a few things to think about....
1. If you are purchasing dried food packs at this store, make sure to look at the expiration dates.
I was considering purchasing a few but I picked up one or two that had expired, by A YEAR. With the over stocking of items in their store, I don't think they ever get rid of anything that is expired. I hesitate to buy an energy bar there if I ever need one. This becomes a health issue for customers. I question how the owner of this store ever cleans and keeps up with their inventory.
2. If you're not sure about what brands to buy for your trip, make sure you do your research online and find the latest models, as well as old, and compare prices.
Some items at Europe Bound looked like it has been there for quite a long time. I do make purchases at MEC as well and I have seen items sell better and quickly. The items do not stay on the shelf for too long. At Europe Bound, there were a few times when I purchased good items but I stopped at buying winter or summer clothing there when I realized that certain items I saw were old and were still ticketed at the same price, from years(yes...years) back when the style came out, or priced slightly lower(not exactly a bargain). I know this because I check both american and canadian websites that sell the older items for a much cheaper rate. There were a few times that I have seen the older models at outlet stores for 80% less. Yes, Europe Bound sells the newest items but be sure that you are getting the best deal, and to be aware of what is new and what is old at the store.