This place is a dump. Don't let them fool you. New management is horrible. The girls who work in the office are unintelligent idiots. Was amazing when I first moved in a year ago. Lots of unnecessary renovation going on. The hot tubs are never clean, exercise equipment broken, and my pot smoking party neighbors make it no better. Mail boxes recently broken into. They required us to go to post office for several weeks to pick up mail. The workers at the post office were incredibly annoyed and I think intentionally weren't giving us mail. Also serious conflict with not receiving water bill. My neighbor received an eviction notice because he did not include it in his rent last month. That was reflections fault for not properly making us aware of the billing situation. Also, they constantly have tow trucks coming in towing cars for late registration and so on. And cops coming in giving tickets. Have never lived in a complex like this one. I never write reviews but this place is terrible. Move else where please! Save yourself the headache. renee the old manager was amazing, you are missed and I'm sure they regret not having you.