| - **BE SURE TO BRING CASH.** I want every review here to say that at the top because it is integral for your enjoyment of this restaurant. The food stands on its own, certainly, but I'd hate to see someone who had a good meal knock the place down a star because they realized too late that it was a cash-only joint.
Let me kick this off by saying that the food here is so incredibly healthy - each dish has a variety of different vegetables and deft use of spice. But don't worry about burning your tongue out of your skull; unless it specifically says so on the menu, don't be afraid of foods being too hot.
For anyone trying out the place for the first time and wanting a "safe" option, you can't go wrong with the rice, tarkari, and dal. You get a healthy portion of one of the two tarkaris (a.k.a. veggie stir fries) of the day, some perfectly-cooked brown rice, and a bowl of a lentil-and-bean soup flavored with cumin seeds and cilantro. Ask for half of each flavor of tarkari for the ultimate Himal Chuli sampler platter.
Other favorites include:
-Katahar Kabob - don't be scared away by a jackfruit-based entree; it has the texture of artichoke hearts and such rich depth of flavor that I would eat a bucket of this if I could.
-Momos and momochas - their two varieties of dumpling are both flavorful and quite tasty, although the price is pretty steep at $1.50-2.00 per dumpling. A great way to try these dumplings is in my next recommendation...
-Tuk-Pa - a spicy vegetarian soup with clear broth, fresh veggies, and your choice of dumpling - I recommend getting one of each. If you're freezing after a day shoveling out your car from the ridiculous Madisonian snowfalls, this is one dish that will warm you up from the inside out.
-Dahi Bada and Himal Salad - a perfect combination for a summer meal on a sweltering day, this is a great pair of dishes. The salad is crisp and fresh with a citrusy dressing and the Dahi Bada reminds me of a lighter, non-fried falafel that comes swimming in a yogurt sauce flavored with sweet tamarind and a complex mix of spices. Dunking your roti from the salad into that yogurt sauce is just... agh. I can't even find the words for it. Just try this combo. Do it.
-Gajar Halauwa - sweet carrot desserts that are heavenly and perfectly-portioned.
The non-vegetarian entrees, while good, have not given me the same "wow" feeling as the vegetarian options. I've tried at least one of each of the chicken, lamb, and bison offerings, and I keep going back to the non-meat items. Maybe it's that the meat weighs down an otherwise light and healthy-feeling meal, I don't know. I just think, for the price, you're better served trying out a meatless option for a meal.
In case it wasn't clear, I really love this place. I moved out of Madison a few years ago and realized that this is one of the restaurants I miss the most. You won't regret giving Himal Chuli a try.