| - @BikramYogaTO #hotyoga #bikram
I like this location lots better than the Bloor Location. Although owed by the same people, this studio has a much better atmosphere, friendly people, and cleaner facilities.
There's no sweat dripping everywhere, the place is kept decently tidy. At least I don't walk into a stench of B.O. like their other location.
Nothing is perfect. The racks for your sweaty mats are in side the practice room. It's great it is out of the way, but it completely stinks up the practice room, and in a hot humid environment, I wonder how much sanitizing really happens. There's plenty of space in other areas of the place. So be wary when you walk in at first, but it gets better.
The room is heated by two large pipes running across the room. The best spot is in the middle of room (I think) and not too far forward or back. It's also a sweet spot if the instructor is nice enough to open the doors half way through.
Also I have to mention the communal showers which I completely dislike and very squirmy when looking at others. It's very gross to me! TMI, and it wouldn't hurt to put up some plastic dividers!!!
I went for the afternoon class today. David was one of the first Bikram instructors that was actually very motivating, acknowledging the pains of the practice, but helping us all through it to see the benefits. He was friendly, funny, and was nice enough to adjust the heat/ cool down the room near the end of the practice.
This is much better to the usual strict ones.
He was also very good in remembering people's names, helping people that was struggling and encouraging you individually to go further.
Also found out you can use the class cards from Both locations at this place!
(ha, read my old review, said exactly the same stuff. I guess things haven't changed)