While the first guy who greeted me is always pleasant (curly dark brown hair with a goatee beard) and does his job very well, this isn't the first time I've had crappy service at this 7-Eleven. The older overweight long haired blonde woman made a remark about how we needed to make a break in the line and turns to her coworker to say "dumb people don't read signs anymore so I'm sure I'll have to say it again". We looked around and saw no sign. Then when I finally get to the front of the USPS service line located inside the 7-Eleven, I ask Frank, the customer service mail guy, if I can ship it in the plastic bag it came in. He huffs at me "so priority mail"? I then ask what's the difference and he says its priority. I asked him again what the difference was and my boyfriend jumps in and asked how much it would be, Frank rolls his eyes releasing another huff and grabs my Iwatch box and sets it on the scale. He asked what the zip code was and he typed it in wrong and asks what it was again, the whole time breathing all heavy like we're inconveniencing his day, picks the box off the scale and drops it!!! He was so angry about his job that he dropped my iwatch box and goes oops I broke the scale. My boyfriend and this point got pissed off and grabs the box and says "we're out of here." Frank then changed his tone and says "no it's ok I can do it" for what? So he can drop it again? Don't go here for post office services! Learned my lesson. Just take the extra 5 min to drive to the actual usps.