Back for two games so far in 2017 - the big G has returned (thank goodness, their stand alone restaurant is a long way from the East Valley!) yay!! Points off for cutting back on giveaways this year (
Glad they remodeled the store - much roomier to move around and select from the high priced merch. (I understand they are a 'business' but they are pricing themselves out of multiple future visits. I get it - they are champs but please let's remember the bandwagon jumpers which will 'find them' now are on top of the loyal,steadfast fans they have enjoyed for years. $50 - $65 for a ladies top made of such flimsy fabric so shear you will need something under it is not worth it.).
I still miss Rolling Rock as a choice - I can't be the only one.
Where is Wayne Messmer? He's the best anthem singer - bring him back.
Shout out to Dos Gringos for the best $11 margarita I've had outside! Initial reaction was 'so overpriced' but I wound up ordering two!