Let's face it. Musicians, like other passionate people, can sometimes be elitest and snobby sometimes.
"You play *that* brand of guitar? Ugggh!"
"You only know power chords? Le sigh!"
I'm very much a beginner at guitar but when I go to Long & McQuade I get treated like Slash or Jimmy Page.
I can't always properly explain what I want but the staff is always very patient and listens so they understand my needs.
They never try to over sell or push expensive products on me. Quite often they undersell!
Just yesterday I went to the Royal Vista Drive branch and was looking for a "quiet" amp. (Don't laugh!) I went in with a budget of $400. The guy who was helping me said there is no way I need to spend that much and recommended a $110 amp that was just perfect!
Most guitarists are well aware of the affliction called G.A.S. (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome). Long & McQuade are very sympathetic and have often told me "No, you don't need another guitar. The one you have is perfectly fine.". I leave with my bank account in tact.
If you are looking for a place where snobbery and elitism is left at the door .. go to Long & McQuade.