Do NOT get your haircut at this place! My boyfriend and I went there yesterday so he could get a haircut and it will be the last time we set foot in there. The woman who cut his hair did a terrible job, but that's not even the worse part. As he was getting his hair cut, a man and a woman with a service dog came in and asked to get a hair cut. As soon as the woman cutting my boyfriends hair saw the dog she very rudely told them that the dog wasn't allowed in the store. The woman with the dog (who seemed to have a hearing and/or visual impairment) politely explained that it was a service dog. The woman cutting my boyfriends hair again very rudely told them that the dog couldn't be in the shop and she was just doing what she was told. The man who was with the woman with the service dog told her she was breaking the law by refusing to let the service dog in the shop (which is 100% true). The woman told them again that the dog wasn't allowed in the shop, so the couple with the dog left. After they left, the woman was going on and on about how people lie all the time about having service dogs because they just want to bring their pets everywhere with them. The woman with the service dog clearly needed the dog to be a SERVICE dog, and it wasn't just a pet. I hope they sue this place for discrimination. The ignorance of some people is absolutely disgusting!