Absolutely awful. Bought seats and the whole damn thing was full so could not get one (despite paying). Not only that but we may have gotten seats too if it hadn't been for the rude staff member at the door who informed me I could not bring my light jacket in (despite seeing everyone else inside wearing one). Also, when I bought the tickets online, it did not say anywhere that I would have to check a coat. If I had known I would have to check a jacket, I would've layered more. I was wearing a thin dress and was not planning on taking the jacket off so it was completely humiliating for me. When I went to check the jacket, I had to pay 1$ Canadian monies so I had to use their ATM with a 3$ fee to check a coat which I didnt want to check in the first place. Staff was completely rude and I'm pretty sure I was called out for some reason because everyone else inside had their jackets on. Do not attend.