Customer service is not what it used to be in this particular REI Store. I had to return something and I was met with a very rude cashier. She was almost confrontive in nature, even though my items were brand new and never worn. First she questioned what the problem was. Then when she found out that I did not use my REI membership number to make that purchase, she got almost angry. I think I should be in control of my own membership purchases. I should be able to decide how I make my purchases. She was confrontive with, "Wow. I can't understand why a member would not use their membership number. Can you explain that?" Really??? With all the id theft rampant, why can't I make that decision? This is not the first time that an REI employee treats people who either don't have the membership or choose not to use it. How dare she question me much less confront me? It was also her condescending tone of voice that was not necessary.
I have found this particular store to be rude overall. They act like they are doing you a favor.
I have a list of things I need for my upcoming trip. Based on this customer service rep's attitude and handling of my return, I went home and crossed REI off my list of stores. I can shop anywhere and be welcomed much better and more professionally.
Also---I do not believe the reps are as knowledgable as they perhaps once were. I have been steered into two different shoe purchases that actually did not pan out positively. I specifically explained the use for the sandles and shoes and both times I was led in a wrong direction. It was only after I did internet reviews on these items that the truth came out.
For the time being I will not shop at REI and will wait until they staff their store with knowledgable, welcoming, friendly staff.
Thank you.