| - "Fireside Lounge"
I absolutely love this place and no visit to Vegas is complete without it. Obviously, I can't give it higher than three stars because it's so cheesy, but I still love it. You enter through a standard diner (with pretty good cholesterol-heavy food) into a pink-and-blue-neon low-ceilinged room with a fire pit in the center. It's like passing from "Alice" into "Fantasy Island" to complete the '80s feel. I will give them points for the place always seeming very clean even though it's cluttered and hasn't been updated in an age (which is sort of the point). The plastic flower garland hanging everywhere isn't dusty and the cocktail servers in long black skirts slit up to the ying-yang are busy polishing the brass railings and plumping the cushions when not bringing drinks. The drinks aren't very good and tend to the sweet side on the cocktail menu. Hilariously, when I was last there, my buddy ordered a gin & tonic and the waitress asked, "Would you like olives with that?" He was a bit taken aback, but said, "No, typically it comes with a twist. Gin and tonic, right?" The waitress acknowledged the order and when she went to the bar, he turned to me and said, "I will bet you money I'm about to get a gin martini." Sure enough, he got a giant glass of gin with a twist of lemon it in. Thus was born the new drink, a Gin & Tonic-Hold the Tonic. This was a pretty basic fail, but it only makes you love the place more. It's kind of like your slightly mentally-challenged child--you can't help but have affection despite its issues.
Sour note: Since smoking is allowed, when there are various trolls puffing away at the bar, the low ceilings can make the smoke pretty oppressive.