| - We were in Pittsburgh visiting family this past July and have always wanted to do the Just Ducky Tours. I'd definitely recommend the tour, however because of the tour guide - I'd never, ever go again. We seriously wanted to jump overboard. The driver was wonderful but the tour guide - just awful. It was young guy, I wish I could recall his name now but he seriously thought he was funny. He kept making the dumbest jokes to the point where a lot of us, even strangers just looked at each other thinking, "is he for real?" Some of the "jokes" were completely out of line as well. The final straw was the "final tip" he gave us - and made a crack that tips would be happily accepted and held out his hand as we all got off the tour. Wow - totally unprofessional. Of course we didn't tip him. He tortured us and then expected us to tip him? Expensive tickets, terrible, not funny in the least tour guide, horrendous traffic - and then expecting a tip! UNEXCEPTABLE. Unfortunately many tourists will feel obligated to tip for bad service. Not us. My regret is that I didn't write this sooner and get his name. However, if I remember, I will revise this. I do recall the date it was either July 16 or 17. We were also on the longer tour, the one where you get caught in work traffic around 4 - 5 pm. We weren't informed that this tour would take longer than the usual tour before we booked it and we ended up missing our dinner reservations. What a disappointment all around.